Responsibilites as a CD

The Course Director (CD) Responsibilities are:

  • Adhere to Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) course policies and procedures.
  • Obtain CAOHC approval for courses. Approval is conditional and will be voided if the CAOHC requirements are not met.
  • Be physically present during the entire course.
  • Submit course changes (eg. schedule, guest speakers) to the CAOHC administrative office when submitting the student roster.
  • Administer the OHCs Standardized certification and recertification exam according to the OHC Standardized Exam Policies and Procedures.
  • Allow CAOHC to verify information in the CD’s application by contacting employers, educational institutions or clients.
  • Allow CAOHC to contact students to evaluate the CD’s educational performance and compliance with CAOHC requirements.
  • Stay current on course administration policies and procedures.
  • Accept that CD certification can be revoked if CAOHC policies and procedures are not met.

Policies for the OHC Workshop and Standardized Exam

OHC Certification Course Schedule

Audiometric practicum must be a MINIMUM of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) for the 20-hour course and 60 minutes for the 8-hour course. Hearing Protection practicum must be a MINIMUM of 60 minutes for the 20-hour course and 30 minutes for the 8-hour course.

Unlike the audiometric and hearing protection practica, there are no mandatory times assigned to the instruction of the 11 exam domains. Suggested times are provided and encouraged but individual CDs may adjust the schedule according to their needs. Certification courses must include a MINIMUM of 20 hours instruction including practicum and examination times. Recertification courses must include a MINIMUM of 8 hours of instruction including practicum and examination times.

CAOHC strongly recommends limiting instruction time to 8 hours per day, since longer times may cause a strain on the attention and comprehension of the students as well as the instructors.

OHC Workshop faculty policy

The CD will provide the appropriate faculty for their courses as indicated in the bullets below. CDs must be physically present during the entire course. Practicum assistants must be physically present during the audiometric and hearing protection practica.

  • The faculty of the certification course must include a minimum of three (3) different professional disciplines as represented on the CAOHC Council
  • Instruction provided by faculty, other than the CD, may be presented in teleconference, Skype, webinar, instructor narrated presentation or through CAOHC-approved video curriculum.

OHC Standardized Exam

Course Directors will administer the CAOHC OHC standardized examination in accordance with the established standardized examination policies and procedures.

  • All exams will be scored by the CAOHC administrative office.
  • OHC exam results will be delivered directly to the OHC by the administrative office.
  • Course Directors may view their class exam results in the CD Resources section of the CAOHC website. The exam results report includes:
    • Total number of candidates that pass the certification and/or recertification exam per course.
    • Individual course high score, low score and median score.
    • Individual course results for exam domain performance percentages.
    • Aggregate report of course domain/ task performance percentages.

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