Quick Links to training info

Quick Links and descriptions to Training, Education and Resources

  • Hearing Conservation Manager certificate-based training.
    This half-day, online course is for any individual responsible for creating, maintaining, and/or improving a hearing conservation program. The course provides necessary guidelines to achieve a program developed on a solid foundation.
  • Occupational Hearing Conservationist (COHC) certification
    This 20-hour certification course covers training in performing pure tone air conduction audiometric testing, fitting of hearing protection devices, providing education about hearing conservation, and enforcing hearing conservation program (HCP) compliance.
  • Professional Supervisor of the Audiometric Monitoring Program© (PS/A) certification
    This two-day course is designed for audiologists and physicians to provide guidance in supervising audiometric testing programs, ensure that OSHA regulations are met, and to accurately review and assess problem audiograms. This course is conducted either in-person or on-demand. Both options require some coursework to be done online.
  • Course Director (CD) certification.
    This full-day training prepares CD’s to teach courses for Occupational Hearing Conservationists.
  • Employer Resources.
    This free section on our website offers instruction and guidance for anyone starting or improving a Hearing Conservation Program.
  • Webinars
    These one-hour webinars provide an effective and affordable way to apply incremental improvements to your knowledge base or professional development. Choose from a large range of topics about hearing conservation.
  • Videos curriculum
    The Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Ear video and the Workplace Noise: Measurement and Controls video are mini courses in elements of hearing conservation.
  • Noise Measurement Course
    From noise measurement to proper documentation, this course conveys the most important elements of noise exposure information for an effective hearing conservation programs.
  • The Hearing Conservation Manual
    A reference guide for any member of the HCP team.

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