UPDATE Newsletter
In 2020, the UPDATE newsletter was discontinued. Past issues, where available, can be downloaded as a PDF. Please visit the News section or follow CAOHC on social media for the latest CAOHC announcements and developments.
Opinions expressed in the UPDATE newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official CAOHC policy.
Past Issues
November 1993 – Volume 4, Issue 3 (PDF file)
Council Approves Adverse Action Policy for Course Directors
What You Really Need to Know about NRRs (Part I) by E.H. Berger, MS
Otoscopy in Hearing Conservation Programs by Robert A. Dobie, MD
July 1993 – Volume 4, Issue 2 (PDF file)
Suggested Reading from CAOHC’s Council
Air Force Hearing Conservation: A Step Beyond Hearing Tests, Dosimetry, and HPDs by Lt. Col. Ben Sierra
February 1993 – Volume 4, Issue 1
(PDF file)
Americans with Disabilities Act in Effect with permission by Jane E. Jarrow
The Best Time for Conducting Annual Hearing Tests in the Occupational Setting by Susan Megerson, MA CCC-A; Barbara Panhorst, EdD, RN COHN