UPDATE Newsletter
In 2020, the UPDATE newsletter was discontinued. Past issues, where available, can be downloaded as a PDF. Please visit the News section or follow CAOHC on social media for the latest CAOHC announcements and developments.
Opinions expressed in the UPDATE newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official CAOHC policy.
Past Issues
Fall 2007, Volume 19, Issue 3 (PDF file)
Contemporary Technology for Hearing Conservation Audiometric Monitoring by Richard Danielson, PhD and Amanda Azman PhD
Resources in Hearing Conservation
CAOHC Appoints a New Executive Director
60 Years of Hearing Conservation and Hearing Protection Research and Development at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Richard L. McKinley
Summer 2007, Volume 19, Issue 2 (PDF file)
Redefining the NRR: To B or to ...A by Dan Gauger
OHC Corner: Hearing Conservation Checklist by Ted Madison, MA CCC-A
Fit-Testing Hearing Protectors by Elliott Berger, MS
Loud Sounds May Damage the Hearing of Unborn Babies by Kenneth J. Gerhardt, PhD
Winter/Spring 2007, Volume 19, Issue 1 (PDF file)
The Modern Evolution of Hearing Conservation Regulations by Theresa Y. Schulz, PhD
Conference Focuses on Children and Noise by Ted K. Madison, MA CCC-A
Portable Digital Music Players and the Potential Risk for Hearing Loss by Brian J. Fligor, ScD, CCC-A