UPDATE Newsletter
In 2020, the UPDATE newsletter was discontinued. Past issues, where available, can be downloaded as a PDF. Please visit the News section or follow CAOHC on social media for the latest CAOHC announcements and developments.
Opinions expressed in the UPDATE newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official CAOHC policy.
Past Issues
Fall 2009, Volume 21, Issue 3 (PDF file)
What Farmers Can Teach Us About Hearing Protector Use by Marjorie McCullagh, PhD, RN, PHCNS-BC, COHN-S
Cerumen Management by Paul J. Brownson, MD, FACOEM, FAAFP
EPA Proposes Changes to NRR for Hearing Protectors by Lee D. Hager, CAOHC Council Representative, AIHA
Summer 2009, Volume 21, Issue 2 (PDF file)
Does Hearing Conservation Work? by Christine Harrison, MSc, Aud(C)
Noise, Hearing Protector Use, and Hearing Loss in American Workers by SangWoo Tak, ScD, MPH
First Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards™ Presented by Pamela S. Graydon, MS and Thais C. Morata, PhD
Best Practices in Promoting the Use of Hearing Protection by Madeleine J. Kerr, PhD, RN
Winter/Spring 2009, Volume 21, Issue 1 (PDF file)
Prevention Through Design by J. Adin Mann, III, PhD
OHC Corner-OHN's Make Great OHCs by Diane S. DeGaetano, RN BSN COHN-S COHC
Assessing a Non-Standard Day by Peter Zymanczyk, London Fire Brigade
BLS Occupational Hearing Loss Report by Lee D. Hager
International Noise Awareness Day